A Modern Way to Increase Employee Motivation

About Us

Hayden Holland Arizona  is a business owner who Co-founded Abacus Bridge Fund to finance businesses on a short-term basis. Hayden obtained a Certified Financial Planner Degree (CFP) in 1992 and later on got certification in Kolbe management. From 1994 to 2000, Hayden was on the board of the AZ Chapter of YEO. From 2002 to 2008, he worked as a real estate developer in Arizona, Washington, and Oregon. Hayden consulted numerous businesses that raised capital through private placement transitioning via CNDX. It raised over $50mill in capital for real estate developments and oil drilling projects, including one involving Pennzoil in PA. Since 2015, Hayden has been working with Marie Ralston to grow e-Image Int’l, GearUp Outdoors, and Quest Firearms with Cigar Doors/BluStix. Currently, you can gain access to financial services and consulting, banking/trust services, corporate finance, and consultancy to small businesses with Hayden Holland. Consult Hayden Holland for more services regarding these services.

Storytelling: A Modern Way to Increase Employee Motivation

Stories are the oldest technology. Stories have been used by Homo Sapiens since the beginning when they shared learning with each other and create meaning for the world.

Hayden Holland Arizona believes stories can help us feel part of something greater than ourselves. They also give us a sense of purpose and help us to smuggle information and beliefs into our brains in a dynamic, memorable way.

They are, in other words, naturally viral and powerful tools for motivating staff.

Storytelling can be used to increase motivation in your staff.

This is where you can create stories that are connected to a purpose.

You can create stories that revolve around a purpose to help your employees understand what you’re trying to accomplish. The problem with these approaches is that they focus on the company. This will inspire some, but not all.

Research has shown that four other factors increase motivation in staff by giving people a sense of meaning and allowing them to impact the world.

  1. Society: This includes improving society, building community, and helping people’s relationships at home thrive.
  2. Customer: For example, making life easier or providing a human service.

Contact Us

Website : -   https://haydenhollandaz.com/

Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/haydenhollandaz/  

Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/hayden7711

linkedin:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/hk-holland-98b3a2130/?original_referer=